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Whole 30

It takes 66 days for a habit to stick.

Whole30 is a 30 day plan for eating only whole foods:

  • Meat
  • Poultry - Chicken. Sausage
  • Fish
  • Vegetables
  • Fruits.
  • Fats. Avocados every single day.
  • Fruit juice as a sweetener.
  • Clarified Butter or Ghee. Clarified butter or ghee is the only source of dairy allowed during your Whole30. Plain old butter is NOT allowed, as the milk proteins found in non-clarified butter could impact the results of your program.
  • green beans, sugar snap peas and snow peas. While they're technically a legume, these are far more "pod" than "bean," and green plant matter is generally good for you.
  • Vinegar - white, balsamic, apple cider, red wine, and rice EXCEPT vinegars with added sugar, or malt vinegar, which generally contains gluten.
  • Salt - all iodized table salt contains sugar (dextrose) to keep the potassium iodide from oxidizing and being lost.

Do NOT Eat

  •  grains or  quinoa - This includes wheat, rye, barley, oats, corn, rice, millet, bulgur, sorghum, amaranth, buckwheat, sprouted grains and all of those gluten-free pseudo-grains like quinoa. bran, germ, starch.
  • No sugar or natural or artificial sweeteners - No maple syrup, honey, agave nectar, coconut sugar, Splenda, Equal, Nutrasweet, xylitol, stevia, etc.
  • No beans or legumes -  This includes beans of all kinds (black, red, pinto, navy, white, kidney, lima, fava, etc.), peas, chickpeas, lentils, and peanuts. No peanut butter, either.
  • soy - soy sauce, miso, tofu, tempeh, edamame, and all the ways we sneak soy into foods like lecithin
  • Do not eat dairy. This includes cow, goat or sheep's milk products such as cream, cheese (hard or soft), kefir, yogurt (even Greek), and sour cream… with the exception of clarified butter or ghee.
  • alcohol - Do not consume alcohol in any form, not even for cooking.
  • No processed additives. Carrageenan, sulfites, MSG.
  • No fake treats with Whole30-approved ingredients. Sorry, cauliflower crust pizza and Paleo pancakes, you're off-limits. This rule is all about building a healthier relationship with your food, and we think it actually works.

Whole30 is a strict Paleo but with slightly more restrictions. Whole30 is a great way to introduce a new Paleo lifestyle or to detox your body every now and then from foods that might be causing your body undue stress while Paleo is a lifestyle that you can really make your own.

  • Do not try to re-create baked goods, junk foods, or treats* with "approved" ingredients. Continuing to eat unhealthy foods made with Whole30 ingredients is totally missing the point. Do not recreate pancakes, bread, tortillas, biscuits, muffins, cupcakes, cookies, pizza crust, waffles, cereal, potato chips, French fries.
  • You are not allowed to step on the scale or take any body measurements for the duration of the program. Weigh yourself before and after, so you can see the results of your efforts when your program is over.
  • You need such a small amount of any of these inflammatory foods to break the healing cycle—one bite of pizza, one splash of milk in your coffee, one lick of the spoon mixing the batter within the 30 day period and you've broken the "reset" button, requiring you to start over again on Day 1.

After 30 days strategically reintroducing non-Whole30 compliant foods to determine which foods negatively impact your body and allow you to track the effects of certain foods.


  • Weight loss
  • Health conditions may improve - no more headaches
  • help regain your healthy metabolism
  • reduce systemic inflammation.
  • Digestive problems resolved
  • Skin is clearer
  • Energy levels are through the roof
  • An entirely new list of tasty recipes
  • Transformed taste buds - don't crave bad foods any longer
  • More effective workouts
  • Improved sleep
  • Discovered what foods make us feel bad - This is different for everyone but processed foods, cheese, bread, etc can make us feel bad.

Whole 30 Recipes

Whole 30 Timeline


Days 2-3: The Hangover

You may have headaches, fatigue, and general malaise. This is completely normal. Your body is working its way through a whole host of junk it stored from the foods you used to eat. This process lasts a day for some folks, but for others it can take a few days longer. Relax, drink a lot of water, and keep making good choices.
Days 4-5: Kill ALL the things!

Your head is surprisingly clear. Your limbs all feel functional. This could be a good day! You walk into the kitchen and as you're greeted by the smiling face of your significant other you are suddenly overcome…with the desire to punch them in the face for smiling this early in the morning. Take a deep breath and eat some sweet potatoes.

*It's probably because your brain is never very happy when you tell it that it CAN'T have something, and take it out of it's habitual and accustomed comfort zone. An unhappy brain is a stressed brain, an anxious brain, a fearful brain. No to mention your hormones are desperately trying to keep up with your new food choices, your gut is trying to heal, you've had a headache for the last three days.

Days 6-7: I just want a nap…

Today you don't feel like you could smite anyone if your life depended on it! You hit the gym, but only halfheartedly workout. You crawl into bed at 8 p.m. only to drag yourself out eleven hours later feeling no more rested than you did the night before. Your body is learning that it can't rely on all those easy access energy sources it used to Your body is learning to efficiently burn fat and protein as its fuel sources, and that takes more effort.

Day 8-9: my pants are TIGHTER.
  • You're starting to feel normal but your pants you wore a few days ago are tight.
  • Your body composition is not actually changing for the worse. The enzymes that digest your food and the millions of bacteria that live in your gut are adjusting to your new intake of meat and vegetables, and the lack of easy-access sugars. These adjustments can be a bit… uncomfortable: bloating, constipation, diarrhea, or all three may appear as your gut starts to heal, rebalance, and process this new food effectively. The good news is that most people find this phase passes relatively quickly, within a week or so.
Days 10-11: The Hardest Days
  • Fact: you are most likely to quit your Whole30 program on Day 10 or 11.
  • You're cranky, you're impatient, and you're really, really tempted to just eat the stupid cheese.
  • This is where you really start to experience the psychological hold that your food habits have on you. You're still waiting for the results you're hoping to see. Your brain tells you that you deserve some kind of reward. You're craving that ice cream. But, instead of that treat, you're standing face to face with the realization that you have 20 more days of deprivation ahead of you.
  • The key here is to redefine your idea of reward. Think long and hard about the foods you're grieving and ask yourself what need you're expecting them to fulfill. Are you feeling anxious and looking for reassurance? Are you feeling sad, and looking for something to cheer you up? Are you worried you won't successfully finish the program, and it's easier to self-sabotage than fail? Remind yourself that food cannot fill that void for you—cannot make you feel truly accomplished, comforted, calm, happy, beautiful. Then, find another way to fill that need that does not involve those foods. Prepare yourselves for these days, knowing that all you have to do is see them through to the other side before things get much, much easier.
Days 12-15: Boundless energy! Now give me a damn Twinkie.
  • Hurray! The slump is over! Your pants fit again! Your energy levels are better than normal – you're downright Tigger the bouncing tiger! But something weird is happening. You're dreaming. Not crazy nightmare or strange surrealist dreams, either. Incredibly normal and realistic dreams – about donuts. Suddenly, you're craving things you don't even like.
  • This phase gets really intense and for some people. This is the part of the program where our minds try to drive us back to the comfort of the foods we used to know. Our food relationships are deeply rooted and strongly reinforced throughout the course of our lives and breaking through them is really big deal. Journaling can be especially enlightening and helpful during this phase, and helpful for reflection later. Take some time to jot down what you're craving, how you're feeling and what tools you're using to work through the cravings. The cravings and the dreams rival those of pregnancy.
Days 16-27: Tiger Blood!
  • You've hit the downhill slope of your Whole30. For some (generally people who came to the program eating well, exercising regularly, and feeling pretty good to begin with), Tiger Blood means someone flipped a switch and turned on the awesome. Energy is through the roof, cravings are under control, clothes are fitting better, workouts are stronger.
  • For others, this Tiger Blood stage feels more like a real sense of self-efficacy. It doesn't mean things are easy, but you're proving to yourself that you can do this, things are getting better, and you're seeing improvements almost daily. Your energy is steadier, you've got a firmer handle on the cravings, and you're experimenting with new, delicious foods. You may notice that your ability to focus is keener, your body composition is changing, your moods are more stable, you're stepping up your exercise, or you're just plain happier these days.
  • May not happen like magic at the halfway point. Lookout for small, gradual improvements to keep you motivated.
(Interlude) Day 21: I am so over this.
  • You've solidly settled into week three of the program at this point. Your clothes fit better; your skin is clearer; your inner awesomeness is shining through. But despite the many benefits you're seeing, you went to bed last night dreading the thought of breakfast. You're not thrilled with any of your meal options right now. You're loving the way your body is responding to the program, but you're just not sure if you can make it through 9 more days.
  • Somewhere in the third week of the program, serious food boredom sets in. For some folks, they lose their appetite altogether for a few days. Don't let the food fatigue overtake you – plan ahead! Get to work in week two and hunt down some new recipes. Being bored and hungry is just a recipe for disaster.
Day 28: 28 is as good as 30…right?
  • 28 days is NOT as good as 30 You owe yourself 30 days. You made a commitment to give yourself 30 full days of Good Food and improved habits. When you make a commitment to self-improvement, it's a big deal! If you cop out now, you're telling yourself that the commitments you make to yourself are open to compromise. You're telling yourself that you are not important enough to honor your commitment to you. You ARE important. You ARE worth a full commitment. Require that of yourself and celebrate with a renewed sense of integrity.
Days 29-30: It's Almost Over
  • It's totally normal to feel a twinge of panic as your Whole30 comes to a close. For the past month, you've lived, breathed, and literally eaten the rules. You feel incredible in your new high-octane body. Whole30 was intended to be a reset, an introduction into the world of Good Food.
Day 31:It's over!!
  • You may not always be able to make life fit inside the Whole30 rules. It does mean that you'll give the reintroduction protocol (in It Starts With Food) the same attention you gave the last 30 days and be honest with yourself about your reactions – physical and emotional – to food. And tonight, that might just mean a bowl of ice cream. And that's okay.

Web Site by: A Safer Company LLC